Our Teams

Here's an extensive list of everyone who keeps this server running! If you're interested in joining any of these teams, just head over to our team application form to register your interest.

Unlike most servers BWRP is a community driven group, we try to erode down the definition between who is and isn't staff, everyone can contribute to anything regardless of if you're a part of a team! Our wiki, website, lore and roleplay are all dictated by the players with the staff serving to collate and polish what is submitted.


Tries to keep the various teams supported and aligned with our community. Acts in any of the below roles as needed.

Community Manager

An experienced Community Moderator who leads that team and helps the admin in ensuring all other teams are aligned with our community.


Our analogue to the TTRPG's DM, known as 'STs'. These are once-players who have stuck around and proved that they can be trustworthy, along with having a good sense of community and role-playing skills. These staff members are the ones who will drive external plots forward, host DMed events, role-play as interesting NPCs, generally help out and are used as a point of mediation and moderation when needed or escalated to by CMs.


Staff who maintain and develop server infrastructure, discord, bots, plugins, mod pack and the resource pack. Frequently are trusted with full access to the server herself as part of their role.

Community Moderators

Also known as 'CMs', Players who have stepped up to help moderate for the community. They manage our discord, deal with player disputes and enforce rules when needed with words or when needed, kicks and bans. They're your first point of contact with issues, escalating to the STs if they feel it's needed. They work closely with the player base so that they are able to feed back to the STs regarding player perspectives and how to keep the ongoing plots engaging. Sometimes they help run events alongside the STs but they're players and are kept away from plot details or meta and only have restricted in game commands.

Contractor Teams

Groups of players with proven trustworthiness and useful skills to assist staff in specialised tasks.

BuildteamContractor Teams

Players who are known for good building work and are trustworthy and willing to help the STs build whatever the story may call for. An essential part of our server in a medium where every location needs to be fully built. Sometimes exposed to upcoming events by the nature of their role but kept in the dark about anything that they could give them an advantage in their own stories.

RecruitmentContractor Teams

Helpful players or other staff members that find places we can advertise and coordinate doing so. They're probably how you found us!

WebContractor Teams

Our wonderful volunteer web development team! They build and update the website for us.

Staff ActorsContractor Teams

Players who have an interest in running a story with the storytellers. As well as players that may not have the ability to play full time but are willing to play NPCs alongside STs when an event calls for it. A team of good roleplayers who can take a prompt and turn it into a good story for the others to enjoy.

BlockBenchersContractor Teams

Players who've begun making models or sprites for us to use as custom items in our resource pack. Just like with all roles sometimes this team has access to minor spoilers regarding items and their designs but just as with all roles we work to keep meta to a minimum.

WritersContractor Teams

Our team of player writers who join us in putting their time to ensuring our writing is useful and easy to parse! They work with many other teams from web to recruitment to lend their skills to making us look good!

Wiki AdminsContractor Teams

A team of people who are willing to put time into moderating the player updated BWRP fandom wiki. They ensure things remain productive and hold the rest of us to modern wiki standards as well as contacting writers when a page has become developed or chaotic enough that it needs some dedicated staff eyes.

ArtistsContractor Teams

We have a wonderful group of artists who volunteer to do a whole range of things from skin editing to logo design. We wouldn't look this good without their kind help!

Config ContributorsContractor Teams

A group for those who're trusted to submit work to the techies. From Mythic Mobs to Skill API and even whole plugins this is wonderful team of people who help provide more manpower and diverse skills than our dedicated techie team can offer.

Town Leaders

Players who are tackling one of the hardest jobs on the server. They define a roleplay hub's goals and actively push their community towards completing them, in order to push their players towards the plot they may enjoy. They are the main point of contact between the ST team and a Roleplay hub and as such will feed back to the ST team if any character types are being overlooked by current goings on. They are the people in charge of giving new players a good new player experience. They work as de facto members of the CM team and as such have access to the same CM suite of limited in game commands to assist in moderation duties such as kicks or bans when required.


You! Probably. You're here to enjoy our server and sometimes work with staff to give everyone a fun time! We'd love you to keep an eye on the fun of your fellow players and let us know if anyone is having a hard time or needs more support. Otherwise, the key things we want from you are feedback on how you think things can be improved, plotline ideas, dungeon submissions, item models, custom skills, anything else you create that we can use, the list things you dislike and most important of all - good feedback on what you actually enjoy! Being able to avoid the plots and events you dislike is one thing but being able to hook you into plots and events that might be the most fun for you is even better!

We welcome everyone to apply to join any position with us, though we will sometimes suggest you start small so we can get to know each other before you dive straight in as the latest storyteller! Applications can take some time as we don't always have the free schedule needed to test out your skills but rest assured that unless we reject you directly your name is down.